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Pomerium Guides

This section contains applications and scenario-specific guides for Pomerium.

  • The ad-guard recipe demonstrates how Pomerium can be used to augment web applications that only support simplistic authorization mechanisms like basic-auth with single-sign-on driven access policy.
  • The argo guide demonstrates how Pomerium can be used to add access control to Argo.
  • The Cloud Run recipe demonstrates deploying Pomerium to Google Cloud Run as well as using it to Authorize users to protected Cloud Run endpoints.
  • Secure Cockpit, a web GUI for Linux server administration, behind a Pomerium route.
  • The code-server guide demonstrates how Pomerium can be used to add access control to third-party applications that don't ship with fine-grained access control. code-server is a tool to run Visual Studio code as a web application.
  • The GitLab guide covers securing a self-hosted instance of GitLab using Pomerium.
  • Our Grafana guide explains how to secure Grafana with Pomerium and integrate user sign-in using our JWT.
  • The HedgeDoc guide shows you how to secure access to HedgeDoc, a collaborative, web-based Markdown editor that allows you to create notes, graphs, and diagrams in your browser.
  • The JavaScript SDK guide demonstrates how to verify JWTs issued by Pomerium's authorization service. The guide provides example use cases for application developers so they can easily incorporate JWT authentication with Pomerium in upstream applications.
  • The JWT Verification guide demonstrates how to verify the Pomerium JWT assertion header using Envoy.
  • The Kubernetes Dashboard guide covers how to secure Kubernetes dashboard using Pomerium.
  • The kubernetes guide covers how to add authentication and authorization to kubernetes dashboard using helm, and letsencrypt certificates. This guide also shows how third party reverse-proxies like nginx/traefik can be used in conjunction with Pomerium using forward-auth.
  • The local OIDC guide demonstrates how Pomerium can be used with local OIDC server for dev/testing.
  • Our Synology guide demonstrates how lightweight Pomerium is by installing it on a Synology NAS or similar low-resource product.
  • The TiddlyWiki guide demonstrates how Pomerium can be used to add authentication and authorization to web application using authenticated header.
  • The Transmission guide demonstrates how Pomerium can act as an authentication and authorization proxy for your Transmission daemon's RPC interface, which only provides unencrypted HTTP auth out of the box.